Just me and Flo…for a bit anyway…

For the first 3 hours of the trip, it was just me and Flo. I didn’t know if I could hook her up and drive her over two mountain passes by myself, but I did!

And there we are at Molas Lake getting ready to drive into our campsite. Ah, the freedom of hooking her up and driving her into the mountains. It was pure bliss!

Until we got to campsite #4. I knew as soon as I drove in, I was going in at the wrong angle. It took me over 20 minutes of trying to park her in just the right spot. I finally gave up, drove out and turned it around going in the right direction and backed right in. Phew!

I then took off to pick up Ray to attend a work function for his new job. Then we were back at camp just after dark.

First light. When you wake up to this you know you are living the life. See the black dots in the sky? I think those are geese!

Ray got a view of the picnic table, sorry Ray! One of my favorite parts of sleeping in Flo is waking up to the first light when I crack open the door. Until then, she is pretty much lightproof.

We called this our “inventory trip.” We wanted to see if we brought everything and what we needed to bring next time. Nope. No firewood, no pans. So it was off to Silverton to have breakfast and get a few things at the store. We didn’t buy a pan because everything I was planning to make after this meal would be in foil and the pie iron. But we did purchase some stakes for the pop up tent and we are so glad we did! It got windy!

Ray is a master at driving stakes in the ground. We were later camped on top of a hill and the wind was coming right off the lake. While it was over 90F in town, we were bundled up in 50F.

And after having to move camp TWICE, with 360 degree views, we got the best spot on the lake!

See those impending clouds of doom? While Ray usually says they are “going away clouds,” he agreed, these were here to stay! And they nearly drove us out.
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But not before Ray got a nap and I got to test out my new Neuland TwinOne® markers.

I was inspired by my colleague, Joleyne Mayers-Jaekel who went camping the week prior with an easel and flipchart paper and wrote out her menu with Art markers on paper. I had the challenge of working both sides of the marker (it’s a twin nib) and “Wacky Western” a lettering style from my new book, “Lettering Journey.” I took photos of the final piece, but later had to crumple it up to help build the fire.

Just before leaving this gorgeous place, we witnessed blue sky again and Ray captured this pano.

And it doesn’t take much anymore to pack up camp and be on our way. What seemed to be monumental before just takes under an hour to break camp and get everything sorted to get back on the road.

IMG_2138.JPGFarewall Molas Lake! We will be back!

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